Monday, February 28, 2011


There are about 11 days left for our major papers and as always we had planned rather matter-of-factly an over night study session. But has such a plan ever stood the test of time? Maybe in some part of universe but not in the lives and times of the residents room no. 17 Tympang Girls' Hostel Laitumkhrah. We had our books decked out on the table and there we were all ready to pledge our legions to the goddess of knowlegde- Ma Saraswati, that we were suddenly hit mercilessly by an almost epidemic hunger pang. This phenomenon of binging wasn't new to us but its intensity was all fresh and raw. Comming to think of it was not really hunger but a necessity rather to fill the void in our guts. It started out with Romantic Capsica Maggie. Ironic in the sense that the maggie was shared by roomies. After we devoured that bowl, the void growled again. Next we decked out some chana mayonaise sandwiches. Gross as it may sound but the combination works at a yin and yang front. The creamy tang of the mayo is like a comforting blanket around the spicy sharp edges of the chana. But were far from done yet. Next up were peanut butter banana and jam sandwiches. But these were very sweet so to counter it we uploaded them with a layer of chana. Thus we made a revealation that day that chana goes a lot well with bread. That was an eureka monent. Finally there we were, after a large bowl of maggie and rounnds of sandwiches, it feels like a food monster is tearing wolfishly at our entrails. As we lay on our beds that night our minds seemed to be going over all the biochemical reactions going on in our stomachs and our hearts feverently wish, praying to wake up on clean sheets the next morning. So for us friends it is now an established truth that GLUTTONY is really a SIN


sandhyani said...

nyc....... cud xuly relate myself 2 it.... hehehehe....

anuradha said...

thnx..that happeend to us..really painful(stomack)