Monday, February 7, 2011


My days here at Jorhat are numbered now because I have to go back to attend college . So today my whole day consisted of shopping for hostel supplies, for me its a survival kit. This blog is not about what is in my shopping or any great tips about what one might need to take to the hostel. But instead it is about an old Jorhat landmark standing the test of time or maybe not. Standing tall amidst the dust is the Doss & Co. It is general store that was once the answer to all need general, in-general or even medical. The medial part has subsided now but they still house the dry cleaners- Rupshree and the printing press. When You take a step inside the store it is actually like walking back a bit in time. The interiors are large and spacious with great big floor to ceiling widows on the walls, shelves stacked with goods and old wooden counters. When you put your first step in you are greeted by a mirror reaching up to the top. One feature that made me a fan of theirs is that they have a round table surrounded by shelves and shelves stalked with comics and the best part is that the shopkeepers don't really forbid you from reading them. One more plus about this lad mark is that they never pack goods in plastic bags..ever. but the greatest test is indeed the one of time. It has been revealed that of that land has been already sold off. Rumour has it that there has been a dispute between the owner brothers and only time will tell if the landmark lasts or reduces to rubble and dust that surrounds it now. We all know that if we don't change with the demands of time, time may find a way to break us. But the question here is how much of change breeds innovation, and how much threatens to destroys our history and legacy. The balance is generally the hardest to find.

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