Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I realize that it has been a long time since i have let out a single word here on blog spot,but its not like anyone really bothers. Lamenting the fate of my words i can only equate it with sending messages into a huge void unaware whatsoever of the fate of these messages. Final year of college, aah what a time. its full of a huge lot of work and at the same time a lot of free time also comes your way.At the end(well not the complete end) i realize that can be only explained with a lot of oxymoron excesses. Anyway my biggest concern at the moment is the treatment of HIV 1and HIV 2 treatment. As it is my biggest concern its only befitting that i get testes too( for which i will be receiving the results today). Anyone reading this who has a certain amount of knowledge of HAART or anything regarding the inhibitors of protease and reverse tanscriptase may please comment. Your help will be highly appreciated. On my part i would try to search up on a particular drug at a time and write a short introdction about it, uses and side effects. HELP REQUESTED..

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