Saturday, January 29, 2011


Food (la. cibus) is any substance or materials[1] eaten or drunk to provide nutritional support for the body and/or for pleasure. Food is indeed the most basic necessity of life, its food that keeps the mind going. For a few food means a whole new artistic dimension. My very own experiments with food began a few weeks back when i debuted in my mother's kitchen..she taught me how to make pitha. That pitha is what she received as a legacy from my grandmother. In a way food keeps us connected to our roots. Familiar tastes and textures can uplift our moods and make us smile. After that pitha i have tried my hand at making rotis too. I have been dying to share with everyone my very first independent food venture. Recently i managed to make STUFFED CAPSICUMS on my own. So here I am sharing the procedure:
since it was stuffed lets begin with the requirements of the stuffing: for this you need grated paneer, coriander(chopped), chopped onions, cashews and chillies, salt and pepper. For the secret ingredient to the filling i used grated olives treated with some sugar, salt and chillies. Let the mixture have rested for overnight. Add two spoons of this into the filling and mix well

Now the filling needs to be filled into the hollowed out cavities of the capsicums from which the seeds have been removed. Top every capsicum with grated processed cheese and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degree Celsius. The picture shows how my stuffed capsicums looked post baking

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