Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I realize that it has been a long time since i have let out a single word here on blog spot,but its not like anyone really bothers. Lamenting the fate of my words i can only equate it with sending messages into a huge void unaware whatsoever of the fate of these messages. Final year of college, aah what a time. its full of a huge lot of work and at the same time a lot of free time also comes your way.At the end(well not the complete end) i realize that can be only explained with a lot of oxymoron excesses. Anyway my biggest concern at the moment is the treatment of HIV 1and HIV 2 treatment. As it is my biggest concern its only befitting that i get testes too( for which i will be receiving the results today). Anyone reading this who has a certain amount of knowledge of HAART or anything regarding the inhibitors of protease and reverse tanscriptase may please comment. Your help will be highly appreciated. On my part i would try to search up on a particular drug at a time and write a short introdction about it, uses and side effects. HELP REQUESTED..

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


In my experience I find that I fall into the most bizarre of situations when planned to avoid any such discomfiture. One of such incidents happened when we were on a vacation in Sikkim. Here we means my mother cousin and of course me. As we all know that a tour of Sikkim is incomplete without visiting the Tsomgo Lake. To do that we had to have a vehicle which were on hire at the state transport corp. there. In order to be comfortable we decided that its best we hire out the whole sumo which is meant for 10 people to accommodate 4 instead (including the driver). I guess that had the god of sustainable use of natural resources hot on our trail.
The reason to get to the lake for was the snow. The lake wasn’t going to be frozen over at that time of the year but the hills and mountains around will probably be snow-capped Ours was one of the first cars to leave for the lake that day. Here I feel I should share a piece of info: we were staying at the deorali lodge in Sikkim and if you ask them nicely they would help arrange for the car before hand so you don’t have to haggle your morning away with the taxi guys and their brokers. Back to the trip, it hadn’t even begun that our car had to get its brake fixed. It sounds really bad for the terrain we were about to embark on but believe it or not I was oohing and aahing my lungs out didn’t realize much about it. So this must have infused my mother and my cousin with a misguided sort of optimism
Believe me from the petrol pump the road just got better and better (in terms of aesthetic appeal). I think the drivers of that route probably have on of the best jobs in the country (well minus the stiff back and tedious hour lousy pays and the list goes on...). Just tell me how many people can say that they drive past the Himalayan shadows for work everyday. The road was one of the most beautiful I had been on. Once you can see the Himalayas peeking close you know that it was worth getting up this morning.
Alas! This didn’t last much long the car had a break failure and we were stranded on that beautiful stretch with nothing much. But the view remained great as always. As ours was on of the first few cars to leave that morning we couldn’t get any cars to beg to take us back and the inflow of cars till the lake was quite inconsistent that day. There was the disaster stranded there for hours calling the hotel guy, other taxi guys or who ever we could begging the cars passing by to take us with them but some were full and couldn’t help it and some just drove on.
It was little over two hours that we finally found a car. There we were again crammed into the back of a car with the bends of the road threatening to throw me off throw that giant window at the back. But the truth be told all the three of us were having a great time. We were talking laughing out hearts out and enjoying. So when were at the lake the stiff neck from being thrown around in the car and all the other woes were forgotten. We ran up the hill (with the exception of my mother) slipped on the snow (I ate some) threw snow ball slid on it played got tired and came back. I did abstain from riding the yak on the basis of PETAish ideas, visited the markets down. And returned the same way. Really all us have those people to thank for the life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


if you have ever been addicted to online farming this post might interest you. Its been about two years since last tried my hand at farmville on facebook. I still recall the time when farmville was the next big thing in my circle of friends. After chemistry class we would discuss if someone's squash crops withered (you could have then unwithered too!!)or was the Haiti relief aid crops more profitable.

Those were the days of vampire fiction and online crops. I mean, its hard not to get addicted to such farming where you don't need rains,crops mature after three days, trees are always with fruit. In short its the easiest and more gratifying to be a farmer this way. Quite shameful though that in contrast to this our own farmers are languishing in the dark and committing mass suicides.

However, I do not have any intention to get serious on this post. Put your hands up if you were on the farmville band wagon once or even if you were hot for vampires. From where I stand its ok and downright necessary to have a little slice of escapism or to be high on gullibility. As long as you know the limits you are always safe. Plus couldn't play farmville for long this time, guess it takes time to adjust with fantasy after a break.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Its the 2nd of January 2011 and the first rain of the year today.I find rainy mornings especially beautiful although i can't say much about this one today (woke up at 9:00 a.m so missed the morning), but whatever remained for my eyes looked wonderful. Rains have different meaning for different people ranging from a way of regeneration till mass destruction. For me rains feature in my one of my favorite escapist fantasies: nestling a hot cup of tea in my hands while watching the drops tricking past. Since its a new year and i am high on optimism (way worse that crystal meth or LSD)I decided to click away.

I have come to observe that people who have grown up on flood plains have a bitter sweet relationship with rain (A NO BRAINIER). For us its the rains that nourish and rains again that destroy. Coming to think of it, rains are like mother nature's version of a seductress with an ulterior motive. Rain may make you smile but if it gets too close it will make you shed tears of blood.

Despite the doom and gloom rains are lovely.