Saturday, January 29, 2011


Here we are again back to the dreaded exam days. Every year every time its the same story over and over again. The new year hasn't even settled in yet and we the students have go back to our books. Maybe for people who love to do it its the best time of the year but for lazy blokes like me the time couldn't be worse. The new year is supposed to be about every thing new.. not resurrecting the demons of our past. Is it fair that what we learnt last is what we have to revise again this year to reproduce in this year's paper? It was just so painful to have said good byt to 2010..they are making its sweet memories worse this year by making us revisit the ugly side of it again. I never favoured exams neither do i endorse them now. But my biggest fear isn't really the exam, its rather the result that I fear.

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